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About the Founder
Hey, Hi, And Hello!
My is Anna White, but some have grown to call me "Blaque". Either is fine with me. I am a Master Barber, Loctician, and Natural hair stylist.
First I would like to take this chance to personally thank you for visting our site. We have a alot of great products and many more to come in the near future.
So, Here is the meat and pototoes...
I started my company in December 2019 as a birthday gift to myself. So of course I named it after myself. Blaque Euphoria, LLC was previuosly launched as " Ama'ria Cosmetics & Creations, LLC. Finally after years of planning, trail & error and hard work, I leaped into the world of entrepenuership. Well, we all know what happened in January 2020 ( not even 30 days later) and by March 2020 country was shut down. I was knocked back, but not knocked out. I worked during the pandemic as a LPN and utilized my down time to improve product productions and results.
April 2022 we rebranded everything and launched Blaque Euphoria, LLC.
We offer top brand products at affordible prices and intend to keep it that way!
Anna "Blaque" White
Blaque Euphoria, LLC